
Acupuncture is a treatment derived from the ancient Chinese art of medicine. Single-use, pre-sterilised, disposable fine needles are inserted on certain responsive points of the skin to influence the various functions of the body. 

Health is dependent on the equilibrium of energy flows (yin & yan) within the body and where an imbalance of energy occurs, disease and illness become apparent. Through the use of acupuncture, energy flows can be stimulated through the sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles, thus restoring the natural harmony of the body and renewing vitality.

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 Conditions which can be treated include:

  • Chronic tension-type headaches 

  • Migraines

  • Musculoskeletal and pain conditions, such as;

    • Back pain 

    • Neck pain 

    • Shoulder pain 

    • Sciatica

    • Arthritis

  •  Anxiety

  • Depression

During the initial consultation, the acupuncturist will discuss your general health and medical history, followed by the first treatment session.  

The initial consultation and treatment will last 60 minutes. 
Each subsequent session ranges from 30-60 minutes, depending on the patient’s condition.